Mr. C.'s Oven Baked Tofu.

We get a lot of great recipes and tips from our clients all the time! Remember our client JSL’s recipe for bolognese? Here is a great way to incorporate a plant based, vegan protein into your meals. Mr. C, one of our vegetarian meal plan clients, seasons and bakes the tofu, then allows it to “dry” in the oven, creating a really intensely flavored slice with a pleasing, non-watery texture, as some of the moisture evaporated during the cooking process. Thanks Mr. C!—Sheb

plus a tofu primer…….

Tofu Primer: What kind of Tofu should I use? What kind of macros does tofu have?

There are several different types of tofus one can buy. Silken is a soft creamy type that falls apart easily (kind of like ricotta cheese) and firm and extra firm tofu are easier to slice and handle. Use silken if you want to substitute cheese, cream or thicken a soup. use extra firm for the recipe here.

Extra Firm Tofu Approximate Macros (100 grams serving or 3.5 ounces): 2 C | 5 F | 9 P
Silken Tofu Approximate Macros (100 grams or 3.5 ounce serving) : 2 C | 3 F | 7 P

Mr. C.’s Oven Dried Tofu

Macros Per Serving
(Makes 4 servings from a standard 12 ounce container)
3 slice= 1 Serving
2 C | 3.5F | 8 P/ 2 Fiber


  • 1 12 ounce container EXTRA FIRM Tofu

  • 1 tsp garlic powder

  • 1 tsp chili powder or cayenne

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • spray oil


  • Sheet pan

  • Parchments paper or a sil pat ( a non-stick, silicone baking mat)

  • Paper towel


  • Pre-heat your oven to 425°.

  • Drain the water from the tofu and wrap with a paper towel, pressing gently to remove any excess moisture.

  • Slice into 12 even strips (do your best)

  • Line the baking sheet with the sil pat or parchment and lay the tofu down. Combine the salt and spices and sprinkle half on top. Spray with oil. Turn the slices over and repeat this step.

  • Place the baking tray in the pre-heated oven and cook for 20 minutes. Turn the oven off and allow the tofu to dry as the oven cools, another 20 minutes.

  • Use immediately or refrigerate in a tub for future use.